“When I see a child’s eyes light up when they learn something new, and when I can share good conversation with someone, anyone”
– Elaine
“When sharing a loving embrace, cooking nourishing meals with loved ones, when noticing all the dope fingerprints of the Divine in nature’s design during a stroll, or when I hear the coos and giggles of a baby that I helped a couple naturally conceive.”
“When I listen to my intuition, trust my power, and allow myself to receive love and support from those who want only the best for me”.
– Aseanté
“When I’m outside near the water receiving the sun’s kisses, when I am dancing like no one’s watching cuz my song just came on and when I’m with the people I love because their light fills me up like nobody’s business”.
“I am dancing to Caribbean music embracing my culture and helping others in need.”
“When I’m eating really nutritious, delicious food that’s good for my body and really tasty… and I experience a glow. Because when I’m fed by beautiful things I feel like I glow inside and out.”
– Jolene
“When I am in my kitchen whipping up God’s good green Earth into something palatably pleasing and body loving, when I am riding my bike with no destination in mind, music pumping and sun kissing my skin and when I choose myself with God’s guidance leading my life”
“When I am hugging my children at the end of the day.”